Science Bingo Cards for Teachers

When we think about scientific subjects, especially chemistry and physics, but also to some extent biology, we sometimes assume that learning is mostly about understanding theories and formulas. It is easy to forget that no matter how rigorous the subject is, the rigor in large part depends on knowledge of certain underlying facts. This is true of almost all science, whether it’s the parts of the cell, the bones of the human body, the elements of the periodic table, or even just the terminology used in scientific subjects. Of course, good science teachers not only never forget that learning facts are an important aspect of their subject, but also find ways to teach those facts that are exciting, enjoyable and engaging for students SBOBET.

The best teachers are always open to new ideas. Even supposedly “boring” rote learning activities can come to life if presented in the right way: classroom activities in which students can actively participate, including games, can be one of the best ways to learn. One such activity that ought to be considered is bingo. The beauty of bingo is that it’s simple to play, and can easily be adapted to teach pretty much any subject in almost any classroom situation.

Normally when we play bingo, we play with cards containing numbers. However, in educational variations of the game, cards are used which contain things to be learned (whether they are the names of elements, bones in the body, famous scientists or whatever). Each student is given their own card, the teacher acts as the caller, and off you go. However, you don’t need to stick to the basic game – why not spice things up a bit?

– After calling out each item, the teacher could ask one of the students to describe that item.

– Instead of calling out the items on the cards, why not give the students clues which they have to match up to the items on their cards. For example, the teacher might call out “Group 16, colorless gas, atomic number 8” instead of “oxygen”.

– Any student who claims a “Bingo!” might be required to describe each of the items that they have ticked off in their winning line. If the game is one that students really want to win, and the teacher explains this requirement a few days before the actual bingo game (perhaps by playing a practice game), it can be surprising just how much students can learn.

So if you’re an educator and excited about the classroom possibilities of bingo, how do you go about actually making it happen? In the past, that used to be the most difficult part, since you had to send off expensive specialist supplies. Today however it’s much easier – you simply use your computer – you can download a variety of ready-to-use free printables for science bingo off the Internet, and there is also the option of purchasing affordable software for printing customized bingo cards containing whatever items you want.